Chaplaincy Team Leader

crucifixOne of the great benefits of attending St Joan of Arc Catholic Catholic High School is that chaplaincy services are available to you on site throughout the school year. We have a chaplaincy team leader who is there to serve your spiritual needs.

Promoting Spiritual Development

Our chaplaincy team leader coordinates a wide range of activities that helps promote the spiritual development of students and staff at our school:

  • prepare and leads prayer and classroom chapel visits in the school. They organize eucharistic celebrations and prepares for the observation and celebration of the special seasons and feasts that take place in our Church’s liturgical year
  • maintains an important link with Holy Spirit Parish, St. Mary's Parish St Joseph's Parish, and Our Lady of Grace Parish
  • oversees our school’s retreat program 
  • fosters an awareness of social justice and encourages students to respond

Connection to You

Our chaplaincy team leader will work to enhance your learning experience by focusing on Gospel values and Catholic Christian attitudes through work in the classroom, during school liturgies and planned retreat experiences.  

They are also available for spiritual direction and support. Students who experience loss due to a death, separation or divorce in their family or any other issue can find great comfort and support by turning to the school chaplaincy team leader. By having our chaplaincy team leader as part of the high school resource team, we are able to focus on the school community's spiritual development.